
Array-(Program 1)

  The first program of DSA Series has come. The above program is one of the most basic program related to Array. In this program an Array has to be printed. Similarly, more programs will be covered in upcoming days.

Multi-Dimensional Array (DSA Series)

 Before coming onto Multi-Dimensional Array, the concept of Array and Single Dimensional Array must be clear. Single Dimensional Array (Link) Programs Related to Arrays will be covered in the upcoming articles.

Single Dimensional Array-Theory

  Today, the DSA series has started. The series has started with Array as shown in the roadmap for DSA. After covering the theory of a particular topic programming part will be covered.  Link for Codify The link for the Roadmap of DSA

Bubble Sort in Java

  Bubble Sort is sorting technique.  In the above example, the array is used to sort in ascending order and for descending order the ">" symbol has to be replaced by "<" symbol.

Binary Search in Java

  Binary Search requires sorted Array. To sort the given array, in-build sorting function "Arrays.sort()" has been used. Or sorting techniques such as Selection sort or Bubble sort can be used.